Cover Description
In this masterful blend of the practical and the spiritual, Robert Benson invites you into the work and rewards of a writer’s life. More than a primer on effective writing, Dancing on the Head of a Pen is a winsome guide to the place in the heart where the life of the spirit meets the life of art.
My Review
"A writer does not have to write a book tomorrow morning when he goes wherever he goes when the bell rings to announce the time has come to write. A writer cannot write a book tomorrow. A carpenter cannot build a house tomorrow morning either.
Robert Benson's writing is like watching your best friend and though to some it might seem silly, in your head and heart you know your exactly the same and you love them all the more for it. Thank you Mr. Benson for writing such a wonderful book, sharing your thoughts and a piece of you with all of us!
In this masterful blend of the practical and the spiritual, Robert Benson invites you into the work and rewards of a writer’s life. More than a primer on effective writing, Dancing on the Head of a Pen is a winsome guide to the place in the heart where the life of the spirit meets the life of art.
My Review

What a writer has to do today is write a few hundred words. And then do the same the next day and the next." — Robert Benson
I finished this book in one evening! There was no putting it down. I couldn't have asked for a more encouraging book on writing. Reading his book was like sitting beside your neighbor who you grew up with who genuinely cares about you and your writing. Sipping lemonade while watching the birds in the yard on a bright and wonderful day.
He doesn't pump himself up and say what a great writer he is because he does it a certain way. In fact, he encourages you to do what you can and to not try and do what everyone else does. If you can't write 600 words, write 500. As writers we each have our own way. But we must keep writing everyday. If its a novel, journaling, blogging, etc,.
I love the life stories, tales, and quotes he shares. He was so relatable, much of the book I was saying "I thought I was the only one!" Or "I never thought someone else would be like that."
One of my favorite chapters was with the three hats. Baret, Gamer, and Fedora.
He also points out the important things, not just for writing but at the same time they are essential to any writers, and persons, life.
"My work may be the center of a universe, but is not the center of the universe. I do not like this truth, but I believe it." — Robert Benson
Keeping our priorities. Get out of the bunker hole, pull out your walking stick, and go outside. You never know what you might see or who you will meet walking down the street, but get out and mingle with the rest of the world.
The book is light, refreshing, and downright uplifting to any writer at any time of his or her life.
For me, it came at the perfect time, an answer to my prayers. I feel encouraged, enlightened, and ready to keep on writing. This is one of those books that years down I will say helped shape my writing path.
"Only once the writer lets literature shape her can she perhaps shape literature." — Ms. Dillard.
I give this book a full 5 out of 5 stars.
I received this book for free from the publisher’s in exchange for this honest and unbiased review as part of their Blogging For Books program.