As some of you may already know about me, I'm a follower of Jesus Christ! I'm not just a fan, I'm building a relationship with Him, getting to know him more and more every day. He already knows me and is familiar with my ways and yet he still wants me! Why? Because he truly deeply loves me. He loves you as well!
I started this blog originally for book reviews for a blogging for books program, where a blog is required. But before I even picked a name for my blog, I wanted to do more than just post book reviews. I wanted to use my blog to reach out to people thirsty for God. Sharing my walk with others in hopes others will find Jesus Christ through the things I am learning all the time. That may be through books, movies, music, and studying God's word. Even better, the trials He faces with me, I learn the most from them and see his grace and strength and how I am growing in his fervent love.
"Sometimes, our good Shepherd leads us through the valley's to build up our muscles to climb the mountains." ~Alyssa Bethke
I'm not just a reader, I am a writer as well! Right now I just write for pleasure but in strong hopes one day I will write something worth publishing. I post short pieces on Figment.com: Victoria W. which you are more than welcome to go read! I like to draw occasionally, but I'm a little out of practice these days. I love playing with designs on my blog (you don't know the restraints I endure to not change the background every day! LOL) because I keep finding all these gorgeous pictures and ideas just keep flooding in!
I'm sure you will find out more about me as you continue to follow my journey with God. Please, have a seat and chat any time!
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Featured Fig of on Figment.com!
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