Book Description

When a lawman who values order gets stuck with a feisty crusader who likes to stir things up, there's going to be trouble in Texas!
Now that she's settled in town, Tina Cahill is determined to get Broken Wheel's saloon closed for good. To that end, she pickets outside the place every afternoon. Unfortunately, so far no one has paid any attention.
With nearly every other man in town married off, Vince finds himself stuck with strong-willed Tina over and over again. Of course, Tina is the prettiest woman he's ever seen, so if he could just get her to give up her crazy causes, he might go ahead and propose. But he's got one more surprise coming his way: Tina's picketing at the saloon has revealed a dark secret that could put everyone Vince loves in danger.
My Review
Vincent Yates, also known as Invincible
Vince. He got his name because he never lets anything get to him. His friends
gave him the nickname during their time in Andersonville, a civil war prison in
Georgia. If there was trouble brewing, Vince was always there, on guard to stop
it before it even had a chance to happen. But what’s behind that thick layer of
muscle and brains? What made him so tough?
I love how the story unfolds with Vince’s
family, and his mother. With her condition, it just made it heart wrenching
through the rough times and heartwarming in the end.
Tina Cahill knows how to stir up a crowd!
I never knew a brawl could be so hilarious and entertaining! Or that one girl
could start it all! She was a wonderful addition to this series back in “Fired
Up” but even better when we see her in this one. I was so glad to see this
story revolve around her and Vince.
Tina has some problems, feeling like she
will never fit in or be loved. Everyone has always sort of cast her aside. But
she’s not one to wallow in self-pity; she’ll stand up and be on her own before
she becomes someone else’s burden. But everyone has come to love Tina and
couldn’t think to live without her. With her brother now courting Vince’s
sister, I can’t blame Tina for feeling pushed aside, forgotten. Poor Tina
doesn’t even believe Vince loves her; she’s just a pesky girl he can’t wait to
get rid of. But Vince has a secret that he has vowed he will never curse
another living soul with and he intends to keep it that way.
But Vince and Tina’s love isn’t the only
thing hanging in the balance. The Indians and everyone in Broken Wheel teeter on
the brink of War. First someone shoots at Luke and Ruthy and then again at the
Indian Chief helping Luke track down the scoundrel who first shot at them! That
sets the whole tribe in an uproar. If Luke and his friends can’t find the man
who shot at them and been selling whiskey to the Indians there will be trouble
in Texas.
Vince has to learn to let go of the
things he can’t control, handing them over to the One who controls all things
and trust in him. Tina has to learn that she is loved and doesn’t have to do
things by herself. They’re all in it together, their stuck together.
“There are friends who destroy one
another, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.” ~Proverbs 18:24
It was the perfect book to end this
amazing series! I give this book a 5 out of 5 stars!
I received this book for free from the publisher’s in exchange for this honest and unbiased review as part of Bethany House's Blogging Review program.
My Note:
I was as instantly, and quite literally, as swept away by this series as Ruthy was in the very first few chapters!
I have been so excited to share with all my friends, and my readers, about the series (I know some have already heard me tell them twice now that they need to read them!) and have found so much joy in talking about them.
My advice to you all: read them in order. Surely, they can be read from any point and still be quite enjoyable. But getting to know each character, how their stories unfold, and how they ended up where they did, in full detail, helps you to truly fall for each and every one of them. I tried reading the last book first and I just couldn’t connect to it.
However, as soon as I read the other two (I had to borrow the first two books from the library or who knows when I could have read them. But now I wish I had bought them! I still will, soon), I felt this overwhelming sense of friendship and love toward every single one of them. I was completely connected and devoted to seeing this series through. I couldn’t have felt that had I not read them in order.
Mary Connealy was smart, humorous, and downright splendid in this series, and I am highly recommending everyone to read them. I can’t wait to start reading the Kincaid Brides. I was so tripped out that the series had a seamless connection (the last book is about Luke’s sister and her husband!)
You won’t find much trouble getting hooked, as you will find it in Broken Wheel, Texas! Have fun, y’all!