Book Description
As a boy Brother Andrew dreamed of being an undercover spy working behind enemy lines. As a man he found himself working undercover for God. His was a mission filled with danger, financed by faith and supported by miracles.
In this expanded edition, Brother Andrew's electrifying real-life story of smuggling Bibles into the most dangerous places on earth will grip readers all over again and inspire a new generation to step out on their own journeys of faith. Plus, a brand-new interview with Brother Andrew reveals behind-the-scenes information and fascinating insights into current events that are riveting the world.
Now includes photos and a new epilogue from Brother Andrew on 60 years of ministry
My Review

In this expanded edition, Brother Andrew's electrifying real-life story of smuggling Bibles into the most dangerous places on earth will grip readers all over again and inspire a new generation to step out on their own journeys of faith. Plus, a brand-new interview with Brother Andrew reveals behind-the-scenes information and fascinating insights into current events that are riveting the world.
Now includes photos and a new epilogue from Brother Andrew on 60 years of ministry
My Review
only begins to describe the wonder of God shown through the life of Brother
Andrew in this stunning and thrilling recount of his life and ministry. From a
boy dreaming of adventure to adulthood living the adventure of a lifetime
working for God behind the iron curtain.
I have never read a book like this, and by that I mean I was
so enthralled I stayed up most nights reading it into the wee morning hours and
picking up every chance a had in between. I wanted to know more, see what
happened next, experience the joy, wonder, and thrill of seeing God in action.
That wasn’t all I learned from this book. The
more countries he visited the more I saw the lives affected after he brought
and gave away bibles. People thirsty for God’s word and to know they were not
alone. There were more brothers and sisters in Christ in the world facing the
same things.
“Take a firm stand against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are.” {1 Peter 5:9}
That strategies used for persecution aren’t always so straightforward and blunt.
“Under persecution a man looks at his faith to see if it is worth fighting for, and this is the scrutiny Christianity can always withstand. The real dangers comes with an indirect attack, where a person is lured away from the Church before he has a chance to become strong.” ~Wilkhelmi
And just because we can’t always go to other countries doesn’t mean we
can’t minister to our own brothers and sisters right here, right now.
“Don’t complain to yourself that you can’t go to the mission field! Thank God for bringing the mission field to you!” ~Andrew
Brother Andrew shares his
moments of testing and each one made me cry. From the beginning before he became a believer to the day he wrote this book. Showing courage and faith, showing God's light through his life touched my own soul. I even cried quite a few times seeing those God "ah-ha" moments.
There is so much I loved about this book I could talk about it all day. I STRONGLY encourage anyone who see's this book to pick it up. Once you start reading it, you won't want to put it down. Share it with a friend if you've already read it. I know I what I'm getting my friends for gifts this year. In this new expanded edition, you get the pleasure of reading a new interview with Brother Andrew that I personally am glad I got to read. Questions and updates on events both from the book and other books he's written since.
Not setting out to become an international missionary, Andrew merely saw a need and felt called to fill that need. None of it would have been possible without the God guiding him every step of the way. And that is magnificently shown in this inspiring novel.
I give this book a 5 out of 5 stars!
I received this book for free from the publisher’s in exchange for this honest and unbiased review as part of Chosen Book Bloggers program.