Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Power of Book-Book Nerds!

You have got to love discussions between a Book book lover and an eBook lovers. My fourth of July weekend ended on a perfect note: with laughter. 

I came across a very humorous parody video ad on books/ebooks, which I highly recommend watching before reading the rest of this post. Here's the link for quick and easy viewing pleasure! Experience the Power of a Book-book!

Now that you have seen the video (if you forgot, just click the link above!) I can share the rest of the story. 

I thought it was so funny I had to post it to my fellow book lover friend's facebook page. Now, she has a friend who likes to debate with me about the power of his Kindle over a Book-book when he see's these kinds of posts on her wall (no, we aren't FB friends and I've never even met him). I've gotten to where I will occasionally, intentionally post ones on her wall just to see what he will say next. This time I really wasn't thinking about that and posted to her timeline. Hours later I find a private message from her saying:

"You are asking for it aren't you? Hahaha" ~book lover friend

I about died laughing because I knew immediately what she meant! The Kindle-guy had responded to the video I shared! (I've erased and color-coded my friends names and faces to respect their privacy! Aren't the little bugs so cute!? Green Grasshopper is my friend and Blue Snail is Kindle-guy)

Oh the story is just beginning. Kindle-guy then has the guts to call book-books... Well just look!

OBSOLETE! I chuckled. He had no idea what he was asking for when he called book-books obsolete.

I refuse to believe digital eBooks are better than book-books. No offense of course to those who enjoy them, I appreciate their functionality and use for people who need them. But as you can see above, our brains use paper for a deeper level of reading and if it's not used we lose that part of our brain.
I am a bonafide BOOK-BOOK NERD GIRL.

Oh, the story isn't quite over. Now for the Epilogue. Hours passed and no response and then it was time for bed. Monday came and my book friend private messaged me again about the post, but this time it was about Kindle-guy's brother. He had now responded! But not to me, no, to his brother!

Bahahaha! I cried I laughed so hard! That was the first time his brother has ever made a comment to my posts and the response itself was so unexpected. It just made my day!

That my friends is the power of a Book-book! God bless!


  1. I'm a nerd - but i can never sit still long enough to read a book! :D

    1. Hahaha! I have my days like that! I feel like I've got an entire team of engineers running around in my head that keep me doing everything but reading a book. lol!

  2. For some reason I am not big on ebooks. It could be because I do like the feeling of an actual book in my hand, but I also can't really stare at a screen long enough to read actual books. Haha.
