Wednesday, May 11, 2016

It's Time to Begin Again!

As many of you know, I am a writer. You didn't know? Yeah, I guess I have been away for a while. It's still beating strong in my heart but I've been at an impasse the past year. If you're a writer you will understand these seasons of life where you desperately want to write, anything, but can't. Whether it's writers block, fear of moving forward, or just life getting in the way. Mine has been a mix of things, but what's really been holding me back the most is the fear I'm not really a writer. I fear my writing is mediocre, not worth sharing but especially not worth ever publishing!

God has been preparing my heart. Building me up and filling in the broken pieces of my heart and mind. I've been learning to depend on Him. Now it's time to start writing again! Like a runner who has been off his feet, I have to start from the beginning and build back these writing muscles! I'm going to take one day at a time, step-by-step, and sharing my progress with you to stay motivated.

I have a few novels I am working hard to piece together to one day share with the world, I feel they are masterpieces in the works, but they are nowhere near sharing material. For now I'll be doing simple exercise's. Writing short stories from prompts or whatever inspires me on Pinterest. Yes, Pinterest is both my most helpful tool but my worst enemy in the world! I've created a whole Pinterest account specifically for my writing (more organization, less distraction!) If you'd like to follow that just click the button: Miss Tadoodles It's a brand brand brand new account, I just created it Sunday! There isn't much on it right now, but I will be creating more boards involving nothing but all things writing related. From character shoppe's, settings, prompts, et,.

With this new beginning, I'll hopefully be posting more than just book reviews on this blog!

The one thing I could use most right now is Prayer! I want to stay motivated and continue to grow in this area of my life. I know it won't be easy but not impossible because I have Jesus, who makes all things possible!

Thank you, all! God bless! Tootles! 

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