What's a Liebster Award? It's an online only award, awarded by bloggers to other bloggers.
Here are The Rules:
- Post the award on your blog.
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
- Write 11 random facts about yourself.
- Nominate 5-11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and have less than 1,000 followers.
- Answer 11 questions posted by your presenter and ask your nominees to answer 11 questions.
My 11 Random Facts:
- I love singing Veggie Tales tunes in the market! Hehehe! ^^
- I really love peanut butter!!!
- I'm back and forth liking and hating broccoli...
- I listen to Spotify way, way, way too much! (lol)
- I'm a music-a-holic (probably should've put that first! haha. Don't worry, I go to MAA's [Music A-holics Anonymous] once a month XD)
- I'm a type 1 diabetic.
- My favorite color(s) are Teal, Green, and Brown! Pink isn't bad either ;)
- I love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
- My sisters say I am annoying...yet I'm the oldest, responsible child...I don't get it.
- I'm a night owl.
- I am very random! Just ask my friends. I spontaneously ask or spew things out at random times and they'll be like (picture below) I can't help it XD It makes me laugh, and my friends (I like making them laugh)
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"Yeah, why?" |
The 11 Questions Brandi asked me!
- Why did you start your blog? A: I always wondered about blogging, but it wasn't until I saw having a blog as a requirement for a book program that I seriously looked into it. When I did, I told God, I wanted it to be more than just for books. I want to reach out to people, let them know they are not alone. I want to show them You!
- Who is your favorite author and why? A: C. S. Lewis. His writing inspires me and touches my soul. From his land in Narnia to the depths of his broken heart. Sometimes I feel God speaking to me through CSL's writing. I hope to write something someday that inspires and brings people to Christ. Not for my glory, but God's.
- What is your favorite quote and why? A: "If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” ― C.S. Lewis. Because I believe we were made to be with God in Heaven!
- Where is your favorite place to study your Bible? A: On the couch, seated with a bunch of pillows and pads of paper and pens!
- What is your favorite Bible verse? A: Well, I have a few (don't we all?) but this one has always been my favorite since I was very young. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do and he will direct your paths" ―Proverbs 3:-6
- When were you saved? A: I believe I was around 7-8, I was baptized as well. When I got older, I lost my way for a short time. I didn't understand what I believed and the devil really tried to confuse me and get me to turn away. But deep in my heart I knew Jesus was real and true. So, I sought him out and like he says, I found him. I had never felt so overwhelmed than I did that day or so changed afterwards. That was 5 years ago.
- Who is your favorite Bible character and why? A: Esther. I draw strength from her story. I have a hard time talking to people (I write better) and lack the courage to speak more times than I'd care to admit (a lot). But Esther, she had the courage and will to act when the time came. God prepared her for such a time as he is also preparing me.
- Your favorite vacation you have ever been on? A: Disney World! First and only time I've ever been. But I hope to go again one day. ;)
- A place you want to travel to? A: Greece.
- Favorite blog post you have read so far? A: The Impact of Words by Kayla Faber
- Favorite things to write about? A: Jesus, life lessons, books, movies, and music!
My 11 Questions for Nominees
- Favorite time of day and why?
- How would you describe your eyes/color in a book?
- If you had 3 wishes from a genie, what you would ask? (3 rules apply: 1. Can't kill. 2. Can't make someone love you. 3. Can't bring the dead back to life)
- Favorite band and why?
- Favorite Childhood memory?
- Would you date/marry someone twice your size?
- What's your top 6 favorite foods/drinks that you couldn't live without?
- Now, cut that 6 in half; Which 3 out of the 6 would you choose to live without, forever!?
- Do you like like heat or cold better?
- When was the last time you ate peanut butter?
- Do you love/follow Jesus?
My Nominees:
- Schyler J. at 18 Dreams
- Kaitlyn Watson at Birdy's House
- Kayla Faber at Girls of Grace
- EEB at EEB Writing
- Mirriam Neal at Wishful Thinking
- Shannah McClammrock at Book Reviews by Shanna
Have fun everyone!
Awwwww! Thanks so much for nominating our blog, Victoria! Totally made my day ;) I answered your questions here if you want to take a peek: http://eebwriting.wordpress.com/2014/05/09/liebster-blog-award-2014/ :D Keep writing and doing awesome things :)
ReplyDeleteLoved all of your answers and your questions!
ReplyDeleteThank you! :) Yes, haha, I've been told some were not very nice though XD That's what happens when you stay up till 4am XD