It’s January.
This is what my town looks like in January.
Do you see the cold pallor? The icy streets? Right now, I am currently sitting under a blankie, with little half-gloves on to keep my fingers warm.
I know, I know. WHY do we live here?
Because it’s a gorgeous place to set a story. Located on the rocky shores of Lake Superior, It’s a little touch of Lake Woebegone – all the men are good-looking, all the women heroic. And it has the overtones of small town Cheers, where everyone knows your name. Which means that when you get into trouble, the entire town knows about it. Ack!
Welcome to Deep Haven, the home of the Christiansen family!
Their resort…Evergreen Outfitters and Cabin Rentals is located on an inland lake in the woods, nestled among the pines, serenaded by the call of the loons and the waves against the shore.
And If you haven’t met the Christiansens, they’re a crazy, love big and live life out loud family who *might* be a little like my family. (and one that might feel like yours, too!) The 6 adult children and two parents, run a resort and try to figure out faith while living life (that often goes wrong). They make mistakes, but they love each other through them.
Not unlike our family. (That’s us, not the Christiansens. Just in case you might be confused.)
The Christiansen family series follows each one of the adult children through their trials and triumphs of falling in love and finding their way in the world. The next book hits the shelves in the next month – Always on My Mind, a story about Casper, brother #2, who just can’t get the wrong girl off his mind...
Right now, I’m hunkered down writing book #6…The Day After Forever, the last story in the series, a story that asks…can Prodigals come home? (Um, I sure hope so!)
I wanted to write a series about a family with adult children, learning what it meant to carry on the legacy of faith into their lives. And I wanted to write a series that would really let readers dig into the family, feel like they were a part of their journey. The first two books ignite the series not only by introducing us to Darek and Eden, the two oldest children, but also set up the series with the loss of the family resort to a forest fire. Book 3, When I Fall in Love brings us to Hawaii and back home and sends our prodigal on his way, and scatters the family.

Book 4 picks up the pieces of the prodigal’s actions and brings home the family peace-maker, Casper in Always on My Mind, and Book 5 adds in a new twist, when daughter Amelia has to choose between a hometown boy and a rich European she met while overseas. (And hello – have you see the hunk on THAT cover? The Wonder of You, baby!)
And then there’s Owen. Troublemaker Owen who just might surprise them all when he comes home…just in time to save the day. Or not… (Cover still pending!)
As the Christiansens rebuild their resort, the kids need to decide whether they want to carry on the family legacy…or if life and faith might bring them somewhere else.
And, did I mention romance. Oh yeah – we have to have something to keep us warm up here during the chilly months.
It’s a series full of family drama, community and…some really great food.
And cookies. (Seriously – check out: )
That’s the news from Lake, um, Superior.
Have a great January…and try to keep warm – Susie May the Siberian
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